In pursuit of sustainability
Why is sustainability such an important concept for Buonissimo?
Everything we do has an impact on the environment and regardless of what we do for a living or whether we drive to work or go on foot, we all share one main activity and its impact on the environment: this activity is eating.
What is a sustainable diet then? According to the FAO and Biodiversity International (2010) sustainable diets are:
“…those diets with low environmental impacts which contribute to food and nutrition security and to healthy life for present and future generations. Sustainable diets are protective and respectful of biodiversity and ecosystems, culturally acceptable, accessible, economically fair and affordable; nutritionally adequate, safe and healthy; while optimising natural and human resources.”
It appears to be a very complex concept but maybe we can break it down into a few key considerations.
Follow the seasons
Eating food in season has many advantages, not only for the environment:
- it entails choosing local products, which will not only support the local economy but also translate into less energy used in greenhouses or in transporting, refrigerating and preserving the produce shipped;
- because energy costs money, local products are more likely to be cheaper;
- fresh produce is more likely to taste better and be of better overall quality than any crop harvested early enough - and also not ripe enough- to be transported around the world and reach your market.
- freshly harvested produce is also more likely to provide us with a higher nutritional value made available just when we need it the most, whether we are talking about minerals and betacarotene to cope with the hot weather or more nutritious food to warm us up on cold days. This means that eating food in season is also very good for your health;
- every season offers us an incredible array of flavours and possibilities and eating a varied diet is key to our well-being.
Are you an expat in the Netherlands and you have no idea which vegetables are locally grown, nor their harvesting time or their Dutch name? Click here for a bilingual Vegetables Calendar.